When should you replace your roof’s fascias & soffits?

Your roof’s fascias and soffits play an important part in its structure, whether you have a uPVC roofline or an alternative material in place. Not only do they provide additional support for features such as roof tiles and guttering, but they provide waterproofing benefits and aid ventilation too.

Many households don’t think about replacing fascias and soffits, focusing more on areas such as their chimney and slates. However, ignoring these vital roofing features will only cost you later on. So when should you upgrade your roofline?

What are the signs of a deteriorating roofline?

A deteriorating roofline can affect the kerb appeal of your property as the paint begins to chip, especially if your fascias and soffits are part of an older home. The wear and tear your roofline faces over time may even lead to structural problems and leaks if rainwater makes its way through cracks and gaps.

It’s often difficult to spot issues with your roofline, so it’s important to ask a qualified roofer to inspect every part of your roofing, from the internal loft area to individual features. They’ll identify if there are any problems brewing and warn you about them early.

Can you repair fascias & soffits?

Luckily, fascias and soffits can be repaired. For example, if a storm has caused debris to hit your roof and make holes, repairs may be a more cost-effective option.

However, there’s often another reason for the damage, meaning long-term issues will recur. For example, if problems such as leaks and roof cracks result from ongoing material deterioration in an older roofline, you will most likely see problems crop up again. In these cases, upgrading your fascias and soffits is often the best route, saving you time and money further down the line.

What are the best roofline materials?

Traditional properties often used timber for roofline features like fascias and soffits. This material requires a lot of upkeep to stop it from succumbing to the elements and deteriorating fast in both functionality and appearance.

One of the most popular roofline upgrades is uPVC, used for fascias, soffits, bargeboards and cladding. This low-hassle material is high in quality, coming in a variety of colours, shapes and sizes. UPVC rooflines even come with a 10 to 20-year manufacturer guarantee. This quality material won’t flake, rot or fade, leaving your roofline looking new.

Speak to a roofing contractor now

Are you considering upgrading your roofline? Speak to our friendly, qualified contractors at Collier Roofing. We have years of industry experience constructing high-quality roofs that last. We have access to top roofline manufacturers, including Swish, Deeplas and Deceuninck. When you get in touch, we’re happy to inspect your roof and offer the best options for how to restore your roofing to a good standard.

We work across Surrey, London and surrounding locations, coming out to Godstone, Hooley and Kenley. For a free, no-obligation quotation, contact us today.